Already Registered with DSS and Need to Submit Updated or Additional Documentation?

The following instructions are for students seeking eligibility for additional accommodations and are already registered with the GW DSS office.

Please complete the following four-step instructions to submit new documentation and request an extension to your temporary or provisional accommodation or request a new accommodation.

Step 1. Please log onto your DSS Student Profile via SharePoint. You can access SharePoint via this SharePoint link.

Step 2. Click on the "Request Additional Accommodations" tab.

Step 3. Complete the following form and make sure you select "Additional Accommodation Request" as the category.

  • Click "Add Attachment" and upload your new documentation.
  • After you are done, press "SAVE".

Step 4. Your new accommodation request has been submitted. One of our advisors will reach out within one to two weeks after your documentation has been reviewed and approved.