Ashley Smith

Ashley Smith, M.A. EdHD, manages accommodations associated with exam administration, promotes collaboration between the student and faculty population to ensure efficient access to testing accommodations, while overseeing DSS note taking services. With a background specializing in empowering students and young adults with disabilities in successfully transitioning to postsecondary opportunities, she is committed to ensure quality service delivery of all DSS direct services.
Prior to joining DSS, Ashley spent nearly four years with the Elliott School of International Affairs’ Development & Alumni Relations (DAR) team at GW. Much of Ashley’s professional career through now has been in the academic space such as teaching English as a Second Language (ESOL) in Thailand's Samut Sakhon District and a two-year stint working at the Institute of International Education supporting the Education Abroad Programs Division's Boren Awards program.
Ashley holds a B.A. from Frostburg State University and a M.A. EdHD from GW's Graduate School of Education and Human Development.