Classroom Accessibility & Accommodations
As a DSS student with a disability, you can register with DSS to be approved for classroom accommodations. Classroom accommodations may include but are not limited to the following:
Note-Taking Support
Glean is a note-taking tool designed to improve learning and productivity. Eligible students who are interested in using Glean, please send an email to to request a license. Once verified, a sign-up invite will be sent to your GW email account.
To access Glean:
- On a computer: log into Glean.
- On a phone: download Glean Notes through the App Store (iPhone) or Play Store (Android).
Attendance and Deadline Modifications
For students that have disabilities with fluctuating symptoms that may require them to miss classes or deadlines, DSS will approve for the student to be granted a moderate amount of flexibility with excused absences and extensions on assignments.
Some considerations regarding this accommodation include:
- Limits may be necessary for some projects
- Make-up tests or missed work due to absences should be discussed between student and faculty
- The accommodation does not cover non-disability related illnesses (such as flu, COVID-19) or other non-disability-related reasons as to why the student is absent
- Accommodations are not retroactive; instructors are not obligated to adjust previous penalties for absences if the Letter to Professor is provided later in the term.
It is highly recommended that this agreement be summarized in writing, typically via email. This ensures all parties are aligned and can refer to the agreement if needed. Students and instructors are encouraged to copy DSS ( on these communications for record-keeping. DSS is available throughout the semester to help mediate any concerns related to attendance flexibility, particularly in cases where the accommodation may impact academic performance or course objectives.
Consultation and Advocacy
Once registered, you can meet with your assigned Accessibility Associate to review academic accommodations, discuss any concerns with classes or instructors, get assistance with petitions, complete graduate testing accommodations paperwork, or learn about campus and community resources, etc.
To connect with your assigned Associate, visit the Contact Us page.
Accessible Classroom Furniture
For students who need wheelchair-accessible tables or other alternative furniture in their classrooms, we will work with Facilities to coordinate a setup to meet your needs.
Course Substitutions
We coach and support students through the course substitution process, including providing letters of support
Reduced Course Load
If a student's disability prevents them from being able to successfully manage a full-time course load, this accommodation allows them to take a reduced course load while still maintaining their full-time student status, to the greatest extent possible. The goal of this accommodation is to provide students with a sustainable path toward degree completion.
If you are approved for this accommodation, your Accessibility Associate will work with you and our campus partners to determine the best way to implement this accommodation. The details will look different for each student depending on several factors, such as your academic program and student type. Some aspects outside of the university's control, such as federal student aid eligibility, may still be impacted by taking a reduced course load.
Graduate/Professional Student Accommodations
Graduate/professional students with disabilities can register with DSS for both general accommodations (e.g. extended time on exams) and accommodations that specifically apply to graduate-level work.
Early Registration
Undergraduate students can request the accommodation for early registration This means you may register for classes prior to the start of general registration. Note: This does not apply to registration during freshman/transfer orientation.