Request a Digital Letters to Professors for Fall 2024

July 25, 2024

We hope you have a restful summer break and are gearing up for a new semester! We want to remind you of a few items related to your disability related access for Fall 2024 below: 

  • If you have not already done so, it is time to request a new Letters To Professors (LTP) for Fall semester 2024 to inform your professors of your use of academic accommodations.
  • In order to request a LTP, go to the DSS website and click the box that says: Request a digital Letters To Professors.
  • This takes you to the DSS portal where you will enter your information and then a PDF of your LTP will be emailed to you within 48 hours or likely sooner.
    • Please note, the system can be slow during busy request times. If you receive an error you may need to try it again, reloading the page or clearing your cache. If you continue to have difficulty and you do not receive confirmation that your request was received, please contact DSS at [email protected].

After sharing your LTP with your professors and they have told you that they want DSS to proctor your exams for accommodation, now would be a good time to review your syllabi and determine when your exams are scheduled. Please submit your Test Proctoring Service Request accordingly. Keep in mind, in order to offer DSS and your professors the appropriate amount of time to coordinate your exam accommodations, you must submit your test proctoring requests no later than 7 days in advance of the exam date.

Please let us know if you have any questions.